Tid Bits of Info
- Maximum heart rate is approximately 220 – your age.
- Prolonged cardiovascular exercise at approximately 60% of your max. heart rate will target fat burning.
- 1RM or repetition maximum can be used to determine how much weight someone should use during their exercise routine.
- To develop strength someone should lift heavy weights and perform a low number of repetitions.
- Perform cardiovascular exercise 4-5x / week for a minimum of 30min.
From children to aging adults, exercise benefits people of all ages. Unfortunately, some exercise myths may hinder results or cause injuries. The problem lies in the simple fact that many false ideas are spread through the Internet and in the gym. Avoid the following myths when following your exercise program.
Doing more cardio will make you lose more weight
Not true! To lose one pound of fat you have to burn 3500 calories. You can lose approximately 100 calories by running 1 mile. To lose 3500 calories, you have to run 35 miles at one time. To lose weight follow a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis
Fat can turn into muscle with the proper workout
Wrong! Fat and muscle are two different types of tissue and one does not turn into the other. In some diseases or as we age if we do not maintain a good strengthening regimen, fat cells can infiltrate the muscle cells. This makes the muscle look “fatty”, but there are two distinct tissue types. Likewise, muscle cannot turn into fat.
Sit-ups can turn your abs into a six-pack
You can do sit-ups all day long and you will not develop the “six-pack” look unless you can get rid of the belly fat first. There is a saying that is appropriate: “abs are not made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen.” Eat properly, exercise regularly and you have a fighting chance to develop a “six pack.”
Workouts have to be longer than one hour to be beneficial
It really depends on what your goals are from the workout. If you want to lose weight it has been shown that a HITT (high-intensity interval training) workout that lasts 20 minutes can burn as many calories as a 1 hour long less intense routine.
You have to be sore the next day or you did not exercise hard enough
Hard exercise routines can cause soft tissue damage which leads to soreness. If you get a good workout and are not sore, it could mean that you are well hydrated, you have “re-fueled” properly and timely in the post-exercise time and lastly you get enough sleep. All of these can decrease the chances of developing soft tissue soreness the day after your workout
Strength training will cause you to “bulk up”
Proper strength training can lead to a “bulked up” body but the intensity of the routine determines how quickly this happens. More importantly, proper hormone levels of testosterone are required for the body to develop big, bulky muscles.
Targeting fat burn
Some people believe that they can “target” a certain area of their body and “burn” more fat at that site. Fat is used as a fuel source during prolonged workouts. When someone is working out for an extended period of time, the intensity has to be sub-maximal or aerobic in nature. The body’s fuel source for the muscles shifts from stored sugars to proteins and fat as the duration increases and the intensity decreases. The body is not particular where the fat comes from and it is not dependent upon what body part is performing the exercise. In short, you cannot target fat burning in a particular body part.
Strength training in runners is not a good idea
Running can be catabolic and actually “break down” tissue. No one should participate in the same activity/routine all of the time. Cross training is much better for the musculoskeletal system. Resistance training is a great idea for runners. The idea is not to lift a heavy or excessive amount of weight, but resistance training places a different type of stress and strain across the joint and soft tissues of the body. The body has to adapt to these forces, increasing strength and improving running capability.
Young children should not lift weights
Children can benefit from a structured resistance/weight training program. The focus on should be to teach children the proper form of the different exercises. They will not experience an increase in muscle size or significant strength until they reach puberty. The level of testosterone is not adequate to facilitate muscle development until a certain age.
Performing a consistent exercise routine can change someone’s life. Performing the proper routine can prevent injuries and produce very positive results. Stay fit and exercise often!