George Kelhart

“Everybody at ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute has just been superb to us. They’re a great group. I’ve recommended them several times and will continue to,”
George KelhartOn the tennis court, where he can be found several times a week, George, 67, is known as the bionic player. He’s had two total knee replacements and ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute helped him get back to his favorite sport in a hurry. And, as is often the case with ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute, when one family member goes, others follow.
“I had both knees replaced about two years ago,” George says. “With the help of the folks at ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute, I was back on the court a few weeks later. I play three to four times a week, so I was anxious to get back out there as soon as possible.”
George chose ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute because he had driven his son, Kevin, 34, for post-surgery rehab after an ACL tear. Therapy went well, George reports, and Kevin later was able to run a marathon. Daughter Maureen suffered severe back pain during pregnancy, and because of the family relationship, ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute immediately worked her appointment into their lunch break.
“That was kind of a miracle for Maureen, which she attributes to ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute’s Manual Therapy techniques. After one session of PT, she felt much better and after a few more she was good as ever,” George says. Wife Mary completed the family circle, having therapy for pain in several joints. She, like the rest family, will always choose ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute.
George credits his success to the individual plan ACE Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Institute designed for him and to the staff’s consistency in following it. “I go to the Leesburg center, but if you went to any of their locations, I think you’d be following the very same schedule. That consistency is very important.”
George Kelhart