Hiroshi Perera

“My Orthopedic Surgeon told me that he had known ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute to rehabilitate Professional Athletes and their success rate of returning these athletes to their previous level of sport – was the highest he had seen. I am truly grateful to my Orthopedic Surgeon for recommending ACE-PTSMI. I am back in Martial Arts – stronger than ever!”
Hiroshi PereraMartial arts training and competition is demanding. After months of intense training, Hiroshi, 23, developed pain in his right hip and turned to physical therapy for relief.
“I have been involved in competitive martial arts at the semi-pro level for 5 years, often pushing myself to the limits and beyond,” Hiroshi said. “I’ve been injured before but was always able to work through it. This time the pain would not go away. My level of competitiveness begin to slip and the pain started to affect my daily life – at home and at work.”
Hiroshi saw an orthopedic surgeon and MRI found an abnormality in the hip and a torn labrum. Hiroshi had hip arthroscopic surgery. His Orthopedic Surgeon told him that he had known ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute to rehabilitate Professional Athletes and their success rate of returning these athletes to their previous level of sport – was the highest he had seen.
“My surgery required shaving my femur to change its curve and fixing the labrum. I could put no weight on my hip for a month, and then I had three months of physical therapy,” Hiroshi said.
In addition to returning to his normal lifestyle, Hiroshi had another big take-away from his experience. “After seeing the compassion they have for every patient and for the admiration I have for all the people who cared for me, I decided to become a physical therapist myself.”
Hiroshi is back in martial arts competition and is enrolled in school – on this way to becoming a physical therapist.
Hiroshi Perera